Baldwin SF Grand and hazardous environment

Nancy McMillan
Sat, 4 Dec 1999 06:45:55 -0500

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Hi list,

Serviced an older Baldwin SF 7' grand the other day and in the high =
tenor and treble where the strings pass under the v bar there were =
individual metal sleds that each group of strings passed through.  On =
the far side of the sled there was a metal button hanging down.  One was =
close enough to the strings to make a slight rattle under a heavy blow.  =
I don't think the strings were pressing on the v bar, it looked like the =
sleds were functioning in that manner.

To tell you the truth, I didn't really take a close inspection of these =
things I just wanted out of the house as fast as I could.  The customer =
met me at the door with a cigarette going and she had three dogs inside. =
 Besides the cig. smoke, the place smelled like a kennel.  The piano was =
filthy, so after three hours of cleaning and tuning with the customer =
sitting behind me smoking constantly, a had a raging sinus infection =
with a headache.  My sinus' still aren't right after 5 days.=20

Can anybody enlighten me about these sleds?

Plus, when this customer calls me back for the next tuning, I'm =
contemplating saying that do to health reasons I can't work in the =
environment of their home.
Anybody ever do this before?

Comments and suggestion are deeply appreciated.

Sincerely sniffling,

Doug Mahard, Associate

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