Baldwin SF Grand and hazardous environment

Sat, 4 Dec 1999 07:02:46 EST

 <<  The customer met me at the door with a cigarette going and she had three 
dogs inside. >>

Wow, that must have been one big cigarette! (:)} 

>after three hours of cleaning and tuning with the customer sitting behind me 
smoking constantly, a had a raging sinus infection with a headache.  My 
sinus' still aren't right after 5 days. 

   when this customer calls me back for the next tuning, I'm contemplating 
saying that do to health reasons I can't work in the environment of their 
home. >>

     This is the beauty of being self-employed.  Besides being able to starve 
on our own terms, if we wish,  we are also in control of our lives like few 
others.  There is no way a single tuning bill would compensate me for a week 
of sinus problems, and I would have no qualms about passing on this work.  
Life is too short to poison oneself for a tuning fee.  
Ed Foote 

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