crack on bridge - Yamaha C2

Newton Hunt
Sat, 04 Dec 1999 09:11:32 -0500

Now this is a fine kettle of fish.  I do have some questions.

>From which note to which notes does this crack extend?

Have you been able to determine if the crack extend through the bridge
from front to back?

Is there a set back where the bridge is attached to the board?

If this crack is as you describe it and I imagine it it is likely that
the a bunch of strings will have to removed.  Surgeons are used to
working is super tight places and have the super expensive tools to do
it so but we do not have those tools.

Is there adequate space underneath to place a series of soundboard
button on the sound board to help pull the pieces together?

Is this indeed a C2 instead of a G2 series?  The C2s  have not been
made but for about 4 years as far as I know.  It may be under warranty
to the original owner.

If the crack runs left to right parallel to the board the fix is
easy.  Get an industrial quality of epoxy, at least 6 soundboard
buttons with screws long enough to go 3/16" past the crack, remove the
strings, drill tine holes through the top of the bridge all the way
through the board.  Enlarge the holes from the bottom to accommodate
soundboard button screws, dry fit everything to make sure the crack
closes properly, put in the epoxy, tighten the screws, wipe up the
squeeze out and use alcohol to clean up the remaining epoxy.  Come
back the next day and restring.

If the crack is running left to right perpendicular to the board then
substitute every imaginable clamp for buttons and have at it.

If it runs left to right bat at an angel to the board then clamps will
have to work but you may wish to drill a series of small bowel holes
to help pin the pieces together.

If the crack is running kind of front to back so the bridge is
disjunct (disconnected) then epoxy can be used to fill the gap but use
electrical tape (new information) to prevent the epoxy from running
out of the crack while it sets.

Anyway you look at it you will need to provide yourself some working
space by removing strings and hope you don't have to remove the plate.

Lets us know.


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