[Fwd: PTG Member Survey Now "Up"]

Sun, 5 Dec 1999 09:13:00 EST

In a message dated 12/04/1999 7:50:24 PM, Newton wrote:

<<"It is the person's competence that is at issue, not their residence

  The prospective members "competence" is a non issue. Membership in the 
Guild is open to any who have a "professional or avocational interest in 

<<" politically correct way of those members from Puerto Rico, Virgin 

Newton, PR &VI are covered under region 2 and are 'regular' members, Mexico 
is covered by region 3 and likewise are 'regular' members

<<"The point is that anyone who qualifies, morally, ethically and technically 
cannot be excluded from membership simply because theylive in Kuwait.">>

 Newton just tain't so baby :-) and even if it were we welcome 'all' in 
association with the Guild. In order to be a "member" of PTG one must also be 
the member of a 'Chapter'. 
For those persons desiring affiliation with the Guild who live outside the 
Guilds jurisdiction we have a classification of "International 
Correspondent". (description at end of post).

 Recognizing that people such as Richard 'probably' would not want to travel 
umpteen thousand miles to attend Chapter meetings, the IC classification was 
formed. This classification is charged at 60% of regular dues and includes 
the Journal, member discounts, etc..... Of course there is nothing in the 
bylaws that says a person living in Norway or Australia can't join a chapter 
in one of the 7 Regions and pay full dues...........doesn't make fiscal sense 

 In 1979 Members of the PTG helped form the IABPT (International Association 
of Piano Builders and Technicians) for membership throughout the world. PTG 
continues to lend support to this organization.
Jim Bryant (FL)


An “International Correspondent” is a person who lives outside of the PTG 
jurisdiction as described in these Bylaws but who wishes to maintain contact 
with the field of piano service and technology through a continuing 
relationship with PTG.  Application for such a nonmember affiliation must be 
made through the Home Office with approval by the International Relations 
Committee.  International Correspondents will receive the Journal and other 
PTG mailings and be entitled to discounts if attending PTG functions similar 
to those granted to members.  To cover costs, International Correspondents 
will be billed annually a fee equal to 60% of regular membership dues.  The 
International Correspondent status will cease should the party involved move 
into the area of PTG jurisdiction as stated above.  At that time, regular 
membership is encouraged, and the person must be processed as a new member.

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