ER musician's filters

Frank Cahill
Sun, 05 Dec 1999 10:41:47 -0500

Marcel Carey wrote:
> Hi List!
> I inquired to my audiologist to get the new 9db filters for my ER earplugs.
> I almost lost consciousness when she told me the price. They want $ 150.00
> (canadian mind you) for the filters only.  Since I paid $175 for the fitting
> and the custom made plugs two years ago, I was wondering if  I was getting
> ripped or what. If any of you have had to buy the filters only and if yes,
> how much did you pay for them. I'm considering getting them from a U.S. list
> member.
> Thanks
> Marcel Carey, RPT
> Sherbrooke, QC

One of my clients purchased musician's earplugs, which have a flat
attenuation curve. I told him that they would protect his ears while
allowing the music to sound more realistic than with standard ear plugs.

He paid somethng like $150-$160 total.  I live in the washington dc
area...things are expensive here.

You'd better shop around.

Frank Cahill
Associate Member, Piano Technicians Guild
Northern Va

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