ER musician's filters

Frank Cahill
Sun, 05 Dec 1999 10:49:16 -0500 wrote:
> Hi Marcel -
> This is not a direct response to your dilemma, but a possible alternative
> - and certainly MUCH CHEAPER!
> Call Industrial Safety @ 1-800-537-9721 and request a catalog.  A
> extremely wide assortment of ear plugs can be purchased at incredibly low
> prices.  However, the lowest db rating I saw in there was 17db.  Too
> high?
> Mark Potter
> >Mark, standard earplugs attenuate the higher frequencies more so than the lower frequencies. The result is that everything sounds strange.  

The filters in question attenuate all frequencies at about the same
level. This means that music sound more realistic, which is what
musicians like. I not sure what Marcel's need may be.

I use standard insustrial ear plugs. If they attenuate too much, I don't
shove then into my ear all the way. Most ear plugs cost about $3 as you

Without earplugs, I find it painful to tune, especially up in the top
section of the piano.  Try tuning an Asian piano in a room without rugs
or! It hurts.


Frank Cahill
Associate Member, Piano Technicians Guild
Northern Va

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