Putting on the Bridal Strap

John R Fortiner pianoserv440@juno.com
Sun, 5 Dec 1999 13:23:45 -0700

On Sun, 05 Dec 1999 11:18:55 -0600 Robert Goodale <rrg@nevada.edu>
> Thank you one and all.  I thought of making the announcement to
> the list long ago but wasn't quite certain how to present it.
> The discussion on shop helpers was the perfect opportunity.
> ...and just think, I don't even have to pay extra to the
> government for having an employee!!
OH!!!?????  Let's see........Married, Filing Jointly??? :-)
A lot more seriously CONGRATULATIONS!!!
John R. Fortiner
(28 years married to the same gal and never regretting a moment of it.)
> Rob Goodale, RPT
> Las Vegas, NV
> P.S., We're going to have piano music during the reception!
> {PianoDisc}  ~(;~)}-|-{

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