Baldwin keyframes

Robert A. Anderson
Sun, 05 Dec 1999 14:33:08 -0700

David Ilvedson wrote:


Before bedding the front rail you need to raise the balance rail 
glides.  You probably did that?

David I.

Yes, I did. I guess I should add, for the benefit of those who haven't
done this, that the order of bedding is: 1 - backrail, 2 - front rail, 3
- balance rail. The first step is to raise the balance rail glides clear
of the keybed, then bed the back rail. The back rail contacts the keybed
along a fairly narrow surface (about 1/2" wide) which is pretty easy to
sand if it doesn't mate with the key bed all the way along its length.

There are front rail glides in the keybed, which are adjusted from below
per my previous post. 

Finally, the balance rail glides are lowered to contact the keybed.
Strips of paper between glides and keybed should pull out with light,
equal pressure.

This is all done with the keys and stack removed from the frame. There
is still the issue of mating the stack to the frame. The Baldwin manual
suggests doing this on the bench with keys on frame. I do it in the
piano with only the stack on the frame. This allows me to see all the
action bracket feet. If any do not touch the frame, shims are added to
fill the gaps. If I did it on the bench, I wouldn't know if my bench
matched the keybed. If it didn't match, then my bedding work would be
undone when the action went back in the piano.

Bob Anderson
Tucson, AZ

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