Tuning Acrosonics-back

John M. Formsma jformsma@dixie-net.com
Sun, 5 Dec 1999 22:38:13 -0600

Kent S and Bill B,

 Bill wrote:
 >Your idea of using a minimally stretched octave when tuning a high
 >inharmonicity scale on a spinet seems contradictory to logic at first

Kent wrote:
<<It is interesting that you see minimum stretch in high inharmonicity
 situations as counter-intuitive.>>

Bill wrote:
<<Well, ahem, yes, or at least that is what I have consistently learned in
tuning classes and publications.  It was always presented as the reason you
*must* stretch the octaves. Inharmonicity dictates that you *must* make the
octave wider than is theoretical. The very idea of deliberately making the
octave narrow, even if it is not a perceptible or a barely perceptible
amount, would not have occurred to me as ever being correct.>>

OK, this is all very interesting.  Regardless of which temperament gets
used, the octave stretching should be the same, right?  So, by how little is
the octave stretched when tuning the Acrosonic?  I'm not using my SAT
anymore, so how about some clues for aural tuners?  Are the 3rd, 10ths,
17ths all the same...slower, or what?  What about octave-fifths, and double
octaves?  Equal beating?  Narrower octave-fifths than normal?  Do you do 2:1
octaves up from the temperament octave?  This concept is all new to me, so I
need some specifics to have any idea of what you guys are doing.

John Formsma
Blue Mountain, MS

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