Time to level pins, dress coils...?

Don drose@dlcwest.com
Mon, 06 Dec 1999 16:52:53 -0600

Hi Diane,

For custom work charge your regular hourly rates. Give them a ball park
figure as to time. Allow atleast 25% more time than you think it *might* be
worst case.

At 01:50 PM 12/06/1999 PST, you wrote:
>Dear list;
>  Was called to tune a 1973 Story & Clark grand just before Thanksgiving for 
>a party.  Found the tuning pins at all different heights and the coils were 
>a mess.  Customer insisted parents bought the piano new in 1973 and it had 
>never been restrung, so I guess it came from the factory that way? The piano 
>was grossly flat and it turned out the party wasn't until Dec. 11 so I 
>talked them into having me straighten the coils and level the pins.  I 
>couldn't figure out what to charge them, but since I was just about to 
>string a piano, thought that I would know in a few days.
>  Turns out I don't string that way at all, but dress the coils after every 
>few pins and level after each section, so don't know how long it will take!  
>I would guess about 2-3 hours??  Anyone have any input on this for me?
>  Thanks!
>  Diane
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Don Rose, B.Mus., A.M.U.S., A.MUS., R.M.T., R.P.T.

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