transporting lubricants

John Ross
Tue, 7 Dec 1999 19:50:34 -0400

I live in a small town, and can get all the syringes and needles I want.
In a small town everyone knows everyone else, so they know that it is
not for drugs.
I use a syringe and needle for Protek, and have had no problem as you
describe. Try a smaller needle in the syringe, and make sure to grind
the tip off, to save puncturing yourself.
John M. Ross
----- Original Message -----
From: "Dorothy A. Bell" <>
To: "pianotech" <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 1999 6:00 PM
Subject: re:transporting lubricants

> Dear List,
> Concerning the question of availability of hypodermic needles: that's
> regulated by state law. Here in Massachusetts you need a MD
> prescription, but other states are more lenient.
> I used (tried using) a 5 cc syringe left over from my nursing practice
> to apply Protek and found that the Protek was not very controllable
> oozed out even when no pressure was applied. Any suggestions?
> Thanks --
> Dorrie Bell
> Associate Member, PTG

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