Shims and soundboardrepair.

Ron Nossaman nossaman@SOUTHWIND.NET
Tue, 07 Dec 1999 17:54:56 -0600

At 07:59 AM 12/07/1999 -0800, you wrote:
>How many who are shimming have used Bill Spurlock's router 
>shimming system?  Any comments?  
>David I.

I never liked the router idea much because the cracks are never straight.
Not seeing much point in putting shims where cracks aren't, I always used a
home made knife/scraper and cut them freehand, to full panel depth. Course,
I learned that back when we thought we were doing the board some good
acoustically, as well as cosmetically, and actually making a repair. These
days, like Brian, I'd rather replace the board if possible.

Ron N

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