new tool? was Re: Time to level pins, dress coils...?
Tue, 7 Dec 1999 19:37:28 -0600

>...a tuning pin setter will
>not prevent the tuning pin from "slipping" when it is pounded.  The handle is
>just for you to hold on to the punch that is used to pound in the tuning

You can control the pitch from dropping with the tuning pin setter by using
the handle.*  You can even it make it go sharp.  The more pianos you tap
pins with, the greater one learns to exercise the control.

*Description: "...Allows you to hold pin securely while driving, so that
string does not slip..."
(Pianotek Supply Company catalog, page B-10)

I currently tap tuning pins with a heavy duty version of the essentially
the same idea.  It's one I bought from Pianotek at one of the national
conventions and have been using it ever since.  However, I don't see it
listed it in their catalog.

Keith McGavern
Registered Piano Technician
Oklahoma Chapter 731
Piano Technicians Guild

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