Xmas tunings

Clyde Hollinger cedel@supernet.com
Wed, 08 Dec 1999 07:50:03 -0500


     My experience is that nearly all clients just have to be educated and will
then clear off the piano for you in advance.  The appointment reminder card I
send includes this statement:  "It will be helpful if all items are removed
from the piano before I arrive."  For those who don't send reminder cards, the
same could be said on the phone when setting up the appointment.
     About 90% of the time the piano is bare when I arrive.  In nearly all
other instances the piano's owner scurries to take care of it.

Clyde Hollinger

Marcel Carey wrote:

> Hi List!
> I wonder if you like it as much as I do when you get to a piano with nobody
> home (owners left the key under the door mat) to find the stereo (the one
> with 4 speakers) on the top of the piano with the 23 pieces nativity set...
> Candles, decorations, everything goes.
> Some day!!!
> Marcel Carey, RPT
> Sherbrooke, QC

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