need dallas tech

David M. Porritt
Fri, 10 Dec 1999 08:27:37 -0600


I refer the calls I get for the east side of Dallas to Fred Yonley, RPT 972 288-0849.


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On 12/9/99 at 11:20 PM Christopher D. Purdy wrote:

>i have been asked to refer a tech for the east side of dallas.  i seem to
>remember seeing some return address for that burg.  drop me a line if you
>could use a couple of new customers.
>-Christopher D. Purdy R.P.T.   School of Music  Ohio University  Athens OH
>   (740) 593-1656    fax# (740) 593-1429

David M. Porritt
Meadows School of the Arts
Southern Methodist University
Dallas, TX 75275

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