Non-Regulatable Dampers

Daleboy@AOL.COM Daleboy@AOL.COM
Fri, 10 Dec 1999 09:47:27 EST

Hi Arlie,
    Sound like you have something else going on in the mix of your damper 
Perhaps you are trying to correct a symptom of a larger problem. True enough, 
the damper wire material may have lost it's umph over the years but this 
sound like something else. You may have to start at the ground and work your 
way up...literally.
There are pianos out there that are "racked" or twisted from the structure 
not being able to hold the string tension. Did you do a major pitch 
correction on this piano as well? Perhaps you are getting movement from the 
structure as it settles to the new tension. Granted, that's a LOT of movement 
but.....ya nevah know!
Next, I would look at the support structure of the action/damper assembly 
itself. It is more likely that something here is loose and shifting as 
opposed to the racking problem.
    By the way, before ya gits head over heels into this sure to 
cover yer bases and make SURE that the customer is gonna pay for...uh, 
"fund".... your exploration. It might git "Spensive"!...hehe
Dale Whitehead, RPT
Franklin Piano Restorations

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