Touch Weight Too Heavy on MX100

Newton Hunt
Fri, 10 Dec 1999 09:49:23 -0500

David Stanwood mis-understood.  The MX-100 is an upright, not a
grand.  As he would be quick to point out the analysis and corrective
methods will be slightly different.  Hammer weight is not especially
relevant but action geometry is and generality it is easier to correct
than on a grand.

His friction and balance weight figures are correct.  I arrived at the
same conclusions but I just did the math in my head (real itchy using
pencils there) to the conclusions I wrote earlier without the exact

As David said, this is a geometry problem but very likely not one from
the factory.  This piano may well have been damaged by  a drop or a
fall. Examine it carefully before doing anything to it.  

It is not likely that the keybed has moved because of the way they are
attached.  More likely is the action support bolts have bent or ripped
out.  Check all the screws above, below and at the sides of the key
bed.  Check the bottom board and the toe screws.

Check for tool scars on the capstan wires.


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