Two Loose Pins

LTpianoman@AOL.COM LTpianoman@AOL.COM
Sat, 11 Dec 1999 01:03:46 EST

Dear John (I always wanted to write a dear John letter),

I just used super glue on the bass pins of a badly neglected old Cable 
upright whose pins would spin the hammer back after letting go of it. That's 
about as loose as you can get!  I took the advise of the good List and relied 
on the TIME element rather than the AMOUNT of glue to get a good setting. 
-Not to mention that I only had a little bit left!  I just put the glue in 
with about 5-7 "squirts" (from a small Pianoteck bottle) BUT, I waited 48 
hrs. Results were great. The pins are actually tight and very tunable. If you 
only need two weeks of holding, I'm sure it will do the trick. (I can't say 
how long it lasts since I just did it a few days ago, but others stand by 
it's longevity.) 
Good Luck.
Larry Trischetta, Pocono NE Chapter

In a message dated 12/10/99 12:33:13 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

> Does super glue work on pins that aren't holding tension at all

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