Non-regulatable dampers

Richard Moody
Sat, 11 Dec 1999 00:19:42 -0600

The action standards are floating. ? ?   Does this have screws to hold the
action in?  If they are bent, the dampers will line up diff when the
action is removed and put back in.if you do not check on this.   If the
standards are floating,  every time you press the  damper pedal the the
height of the dampers will change.  The bass dampers are really
susceptible to this.  They can also rise because the standard screws are 
not tight enough even though they feel  they will break if you tighten
them more.  Use shorter screws.  Some of those consoles (both Kimball and
Wurlitizer I think) had insanely long screws and are almost always bent.
And then there are those "sleeves" that  you don't want to mix up.......
That could cause damper problems---ricfloating 

> From: Arlie D. Rauch <>
> To:
> Subject: Non-regulatable dampers
> Date: Friday, December 10, 1999 8:07 AM
> List,
> I recently serviced Wurlitzer console #2827167 which acted unlike 
> anything I've seen in over twenty years.
> The bass dampers were not damping very well.  They stood off a bit 
> from the strings and were inconsistent from one to the other.  So I 
> regulated the spoons.  That was uneventful.
> Then I regulated the damper heads individually, seemingly with good 
> results.  But after playing for a bit, the dampers returned to their 
> slightly aloof position.  I repeated the process, and again after 
> playing they returned to not damping.
> My past experience has been that dampers stay where I put them.  Why 
> did these not stay?  I supposed it was possibly because the metal in 
> the wires was too soft to maintain the pressure.  But it could well 
> be something else.
> Has anyone else experienced this?  Do you have a solution?
> Arlie
> Arlie D. Rauch
> Glendive, MT
> If you have nothing better to do, check out 
>  You'll be glad you did. 

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