Old Baldwin M

Delwin D Fandrich pianobuilders@olynet.com
Mon, 13 Dec 1999 07:23:18 -0800

----- Original Message -----
From: Phil Bondi <tito@PhilBondi.com>
To: Pianotech List <pianotech@ptg.org>
Sent: Monday, December 13, 1999 4:50 AM
Subject: Old Baldwin M

> I'm getting ready to re-string one, and I realized that 2 of the
> 'duplexes' are missing. I haven't looked in any of the catologues yet..but
> these obtainable through them?..if not, does anyone have any ideas where
to get
> them?
> Always,
> Rook

They are not available through any supply company that I am aware of.
 Nor -- unless they have changed their ways -- are they available from

What you do is make them.  From brass stock of appropriate thickness and
width.  You cut it to length using a hack saw and file it to shape.  You
don't need to include the locating tab.  You can position them by hand.
(For more than a few, you go to a machine shop, but for just two this
doesn't take all that much time.)

-- ddf

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