Chickering scale

Mon, 13 Dec 1999 20:47:35 EST

>I am looking for the scale for an 1883 Chickering with scale 46B.  I do
>not plan to rescale, I just want to duplicate.  

      Chickering models of the same number have, in my experience, a variety 
of scales.  I have seen several examples of pre-1920 models that were 
supposed to be the same, but the scales were different.  I also remember 
being told by Eddie Coglin, ( an old name in the trade), that Chickering 
didn't destroy prototypes, but just sold them!  
     My advice is to re-scale it.  I say this because several times I have 
found that the rescaled piano would tune so much more nicely than the 
original, and the voicing was much easier.  
Ed Foote

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