Perfect Pitch

Z! Reinhardt
Mon, 13 Dec 1999 20:20:29 -0500

Perfect Pitch ... or Perfect Bitch?

Actually, she was very nice to me.

The woman in question is the concertmaster for the Detroit Symphony
Orchestra.  Never before had I dealt with anyone whose pitch was as
accurate as hers.  She was most comfortable when A=441, and really noticed
it if was at 440 or 442.


On Tue, 14 Dec 1999 07:17:58 +1300 "Brian Holden" <>

 I would imagine that singers would be pretty accurate, 
> but not perfect.  Any comments?
> Brian Holden

Singers I have known can sing precisely on key with the ensembles backing
them ... but without having a clue about what key they were singing in.


However, it would be of no use whatsoever in tuning a piano....

Mark Potter

Oh yes it does!!  Permit me to speak as someone who has a fairly accurate
sense of pitch (not as accurate as the concertmaster mentioned above).  It
enables me to size up the problems a piano might be having (voicing, bad
unisons, etc.) from a distance so I'll know exactly what to home in on when
I have to touch it up during intermission.

Z! Reinhardt RPT and PitchBitch
Ann Arbor  MI

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