Perfect Pitch

J Patrick Draine
Tue, 14 Dec 1999 08:33:26 -0500

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>Phil,  Thank you for your offer.  I'd like to take you up on the challenge
>but there's one little wee tiny problem.  I live in New Zealand.  You
>could always E-mail me an "A" I guess, but it could go up or down a cent
>or two during its electronic journey.  Perhaps a better idea would be to
>get someone local to do it. 
>To the Forum:  Phil is obviously keen to demonstrate his special gift.  Is
>there anyone out there living near Phil who can oblige?!  (Get him while
>he's hot!)  
>Brian Holden

Brian, I'm not one to wager unless it's a sure thing, but if Phil's past
posts on this subject are any indication, I'd be ready to bet something of
value ( a package of bridle straps?) on him if there's a "pitch-off" in
Arlington next July.

Seriously though, I recall newspaper reports of scientific studies in which
MRIs of folks with perfect pitch were noticeably different from those of us
with mere relative pitch. While there may be some genetic predisposition to
this talent, early music training appeared to be an essential factor for
the development of the "perfect pitch" zone in the brain.
The above, however, is my recollection of a newpaper article, based on a
reporter's interviews and reading of some scientific journal article. Does
anyone have references on this article?

Patrick Draine
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