Fw: comfortable

Don Price dcp@sosinc.net
Wed, 15 Dec 1999 11:14:41 -0700

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+AD4APg- A blonde and a brunette are running a ranch together in Louisiana. They
+AD4APg- decide they need a bull to mate with their cows in order to increase the
+AD4APg- herd.
+AD4APg- The brunette takes their entire savings of +ACQ-600 and goes to Texas to buy
+AD4APg- bull. She eventually meets with an old cowboy that will sell her one.
+AD4APg- the only one I got, but I'll sell it for +ACQ-599. Take it or leave it,+ACI- he
+AD4APg- tells her.
+AD4APg- She buys it and goes straight to the local telegram office. She tells the
+AD4APg- clerk, +ACI-I'd like to send a telegram to my friend in Louisiana that says:
+AD4APg- 'Have found the stud bull for our ranch, bring the trailer.' How much
+AD4APg- that cost?+ACI-
+AD4APg- The man behind the counter tells her, +ACI-Telegrams to anywhere in the U.S.
+AD4APg- +ACQ-.75 per word.+ACI-
+AD4APg- She looks at her last dollar, thinks about it for a moment, and replies,
+AD4APg- that case, I'd like to send one word, please.+ACI-
+AD4APg- +ACI-And what word would that be?+ACI- inquires the clerk.
+AD4APg- +ACI- 'Comfortable.' +ACI- replies the brunette.
+AD4APg- Out of curiosity, the man asks, +ACI-I'm sorry miss, but how is your friend
+AD4APg- gonna understand this telegram?+ACI-
+AD4APg- The brunette replies, +ACI-My friend is blonde and reads REALLY slow. When
+AD4APg- gets this, she'll read, 'COM-FOR-DA-BULL.' +ACI-

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From: SLBeee@aol.com
Subject: Fwd: comfortable
Date: Tue, 14 Dec 1999 23:47:15 EST
Size: 2314
Url: https://www.moypiano.com/ptg/pianotech.php/attachments/d5/cb/d6/ba/attachment.eml

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