Perfect pitch

Roy Ulrich
Wed, 15 Dec 1999 16:10:21 -0600

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Several years ago I had just finished tuning a S&S baby at a home for, =
uh, "mentally challenged" (?). I ran through a short version of the =
theme from "Chariots of Fire" which had just been released. I seriously =
doubt that anyone in this institution had seen the movie, but when I =
finished a woman took the bench and played exactly what I had played, =
_including_ my misteak! I later found out that she was "idiot savant" =
and wonder hey, I don't know if that's anywhere close to perfect pitch, =
but if and when I loose my last few marbles I hope that's what I become.

But for the record, I suggest that given the fact there are several =
different temperaments in use, historical, equal, etc., and the fact =
that they are virtually all considered all right (or at least have been =
at some point), there is no such thing as perfect pitch. I won't go into =
dividing a cent into subcatagories....

Roy Ulrich

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