hogwash tunings

Wed, 15 Dec 1999 16:49:16 EST

In a message dated 12/15/1999 1:55:19 PM, you wrote:

<<"One of the things that strikes me as curious is that when I worked at
the local college, the teachers wanted their pianos tuned every month or
two, but they only had their home piano tuned once a year. I wonder why
that is.
Jim Coleman, Sr.">>

Dr. Coleman;
  There really 'is' two threads here...one of teachers/professors who teach 
at an institution and one of where the teachers teach at their 
home................different circumstances, in my opinion.

  As for the institutional teachers..........the piano is one of their 
professional tools and it is used by their students, therefore they want it 
to be completely servicable for that use.   Kinda like a chauffer wants his 
limousine to be spotless for the customer but........ who hasn't washed their 
own car in two weeks :-)  
 Or like the Restaurant owner who would think nothing of sitting down at a 
table with a dirty coffee cups, etc. on it to take a break, and have their 
own cup of coffee, but would 'never' allow that to happen to a 

  Then there is the teacher who teaches at home and there is absolutely no 
justification/reason for those persons not to thave their instruments 
serviced on a 'regular' basis...something other than every two or three 
years!!  After all, as for the institutional teacher, the piano is one of 
their professional tools. 

My view.
Jim Bryant (FL)

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