hogwash tunings

Maxpiano@AOL.COM Maxpiano@AOL.COM
Thu, 16 Dec 1999 07:24:33 EST

In a message dated 12/15/99 1:42:50 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
jajones2@FACSTAFF.WISC.EDU writes:

<<  Being married to a piano teacher puts me in the  precarious
 position of  keeping our own  piano in tolderable tune.  The cobler's kids
 syndrome makes me understand the dilemna folks face with a tuning  routine. 

I AM the pianist in our house, and with about 3,000 other pianos in my file, 
it seldom gets tuned.  I complained to my wife that no one writes me a check 
for tuning it.  To which she replied, "I'll write you a check!"  Somehow, 
that didn't seem to help.

Bill Maxim, RPT

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