Temperament Setting Question

Thu, 16 Dec 1999 13:22:04 EST

    I'd like to comment on the use of ratios here.  A third which has a 5:4 
ratio is a Just third and doesn't beat at all.  In contrast to this,  a 
"Pythagorean" third is what you end up with if you tune Just fifths, 
(C-G-D-A-E), its ratio is 81:64.  Our  ET third is appoximately halfway 
between these two.  
    The reason I point this out is that there are temperaments that use a 
variety of sizes of thirds, i.e. the Kirnberger III tuning  DOES have a 5:4 
third for the C-E.  This purity in the key of C is a hallmark of his tuning.  
Ed Foote

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