Tom Robinson
Thu, 16 Dec 1999 14:05:28 -0500

I am doing my first complete key covering job using plastic molded
keytops and would like some pointers.  This is a job I'm doing for a
less fortunate piano student (translation - no pay) and I really can't
justify the purchase of dedicated equipment.  Here is the main problem
I've encountered.   On trimming one of the newly installed keytops by
hand using a rasp made of a carefully squared plank and attached
sandpaper, I discovered that the key wood was not square, thus the key
and top now displays a noticeable taper.
I have a well equipped wood shop.  Any ideas on how I could build a jig
for accurate trimming of the excess plastic would be appreciated.

Tom Robinson
East Tennessee -  I have calculated the tuning inverals here and judging
from the last 3 tunings, pianos stay in tune here an average of 11
years!  ;-)  Tomorrow the average will increase to 18 years!  :-(

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