Weber notching, etc...

Wimblees@AOL.COM Wimblees@AOL.COM
Thu, 16 Dec 1999 18:39:21 EST

In a message dated 12/16/99 2:46:41 PM !!!First Boot!!!, writes:

<< With the recent discussion of different stretch preferences,
 I wondered if anyone has done any study comparing... (oooo,
 treading lightly now, flamesuit ready) age/hearing quality with stretch 
 preferences.  During my career, I've followed up on some 'older'(that could 
 be me soon!) tuners that stretch the bejeebers
 out of the top.  It's about a step too high to my liking.
 Could hearing loss make people prefer pure 5ths, and super stretch? >>

To say the upper octaves were "stretched" is a polite way of saying the tuner 
just could't hear those upper notes. When my dad reached about 75, he 
couldn't hear anything above C7. I played his piano after he tuned it, and 
told him he needed to hang it up, that he couldn't hear any more. That isn't 
to say all tuners that reach 75 are done for. But as one gets older, its the 
upper partials that go first.


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