Journal Index

John Baird
Thu, 16 Dec 1999 22:14:02 -0600

Brenda Mamer wrote:

"Is there a way to search for an article which appeared in the PTG
magazine within the past 10 years? "


I and a few others have the Piano Technicians Journal Computerized Index
which covers 1946 to the present (almost). This is the Index I have
demonstrated in the Cybercafe at the past two conventions. PTG is not
distributing this index, but I am glad to. The only two hitches are:

1) You will need to be able to unzip a file sent in .zip format. This is
very easy.
2) You need MS Access97 or Access2000. Access97 comes with MS Office97
Pro, which is currently clearance priced at $89.95 at the following

The format of this database file can be changed to work with other
database programs, but I'll let someone else do that. It could even
searched as a text file with a word processor, but this is considerably
less useful. Ted Simmons also has a text file index of maybe the last
12?  years. It is less comprehensive, but can still be useful.

If you would just like for me to do a search for you, I'll be glad to do
that and send you the results.

John Baird
PTG Electronic Communications Committee

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