bench finish damaged

Jon Page
Sat, 18 Dec 1999 15:21:36 -0500

At 11:26 AM 12/18/1999 -0600, you wrote:
>Dear Friends,
>I have a customer with a 6-month old Chickering grand in satin ebony
>finish.  The 2 young daughters have enjoyed playing the piano while wearing
>shorts.  The sweat from their legs has caused some damage to the finish of
>the bench top.  The finish looks "whitish" in color, and kind of "blurry".
>I have tried Cory Satin Ebony Polish, Cory KeyBrite, and Murphy's Oil Soap,
>all without discernible change in the finish.
>Are there any chemicals or special procedures that you have used
>successfully in this type of situation?  I have seen this damage on
>numerous occasions but have never tried to do anything about it, because
>the customers never asked me to do anything about it before.
>Thanks for any and all suggestions.
>David Vanderhoofven
>Joplin, Missouri

Treat as any other water mark. Denatured alcohol, carefully. 
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