First Tunelab experience, long

Jim Coleman, Sr.
Sat, 18 Dec 1999 15:31:24 -0700 (MST)

Hi Brian:

In your lengthy post you mentioned that the treble was not stretched to
your liking. If you hit the F1 key you can see the graph which the
Calcul8 program computes. You can, by clicking on the upper curve, make
the upper curve steeper. David Porritt admittedly programs a little more
conservatively in this area, but it is so simple to stretch more or less
by just tweaking the curve a bit.

Another thing you can do as you are using the TuneLab is to play intervals
like Major 3rds or 5ths as you tune downward from the top of your 
temperament area. You will be able to enjoy the accuracy of the program
more as you see how accurately the intervals can be tuned. This way you
are using both ears and eyes.

Jim Coleman, Sr.

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