bench finish damaged

Robert Goodale
Sat, 18 Dec 1999 22:21:06 -0600

Vanderhoofven wrote:

> Dear Friends,
> I have a customer with a 6-month old Chickering grand in satin ebony
> finish.  The 2 young daughters have enjoyed playing the piano while wearing
> shorts.  The sweat from their legs has caused some damage to the finish of
> the bench top.  The finish looks "whitish" in color, and kind of "blurry".
> I have tried Cory Satin Ebony Polish, Cory KeyBrite, and Murphy's Oil Soap,
> all without discernible change in the finish.
> Are there any chemicals or special procedures that you have used
> successfully in this type of situation?  I have seen this damage on
> numerous occasions but have never tried to do anything about it, because
> the customers never asked me to do anything about it before.

Dave, has the finish become soft?  In other words, can you put a sizable scratch through the finish with your thumb
nail?  If so this is a strong indication that the owner has been regularly using furniture polish on the surface.  Other
common evidence of this is that when you sit on it there is a perfect impression of the fabric of your pants right into
the finish.  If this is the case get the owner to STOP using polish on the piano!  This is the worst thing in the world
for finishes, a fantastic oxymoron.  It softens the finish badly over time.  In my opinion the stuff should be made

Rob Goodale, RPT
Las Vegas, NV

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