Dishonest Dealers

Sun, 19 Dec 1999 23:52:36 EST

In a message dated 12/19/99 1:23:08 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
ETomlinCF3@AOL.COM writes:

<< I don't like these discussions that well because we concentrate on a few 
 dealers and gossip about an industry that, for the most part consists of 
 honest, hardworking family men and women that are trying to earn a living 
 doing what they love.  I live in Portland Oregon and we have about twelve to 
 fifteen dealers of which one or two tend to stretch the truth and act other 
 than honest.  I still say that we are in one of the best industries out 
 there.  I am proud to be in the "piano" biz.  The few dealers like the one 
 described below will eventually meet their judge and I pity the one on that 
 Ed Tomlinson
The piano industry indeed is one of the best to be associated with. I could 
go on and on, but to this date I have only 2 bounced checks from customers in 
20 years of business.  In fact, I believe piano owners are the best customers 
to be associated with.

But Robert had a right to start the discussion. He is only attempting to get 
advice from one very dishonest dealer and to do something about it and it 
looks like he recieved a lot of good advice.  It was never an attempt to 
blast dealers, even if they stretch the truth somewhat.

Dave Peake, RPT
Portland Chapter
Oregon City, OR

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