bench finish damaged

Newton Hunt
Mon, 20 Dec 1999 09:31:35 -0500

See if you can get a little pumice stone, some oil and a block of
hammer felt.  Pour a little oil on the finish, sprinkle a little
pumice stone (a super finely ground volcanic ash) and gently rub the
finish with the felt block in the direction of the original rubbing. 
This method removes the least amount of finish possible.  An old
technique for a satin finish is to spray lacquer over poly finishes
and rub them out.  Poly normally will not turn colors from moisture,
even salty moisture.  Go gently to prevent going through a thin top
coat.  When you get the color out you may wish to rub the entire bench
top to get a even satin effect.

		Newton BTDT (been there, done that)

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