tuner's responsibility. was Re: Dishonest Dealers

Delwin D Fandrich pianobuilders@olynet.com
Tue, 21 Dec 1999 08:49:21 -0800

----- Original Message -----
From: <Wimblees@AOL.COM>
To: <pianotech@ptg.org>
Sent: Monday, December 20, 1999 11:54 AM
Subject: tuner's responsibility. was Re: Dishonest Dealers

> Which brings me to this point. To what extent should we, as piano tuners,
> to expose a dealer who does do something wrong?  Is it our responsibility
> report unscrupulous dealers to the authorities?


Generally the authorities do not want to deal with a third party.  They want
to deal with the injured party.

I think it is the responsibility of the technician to be honest with the
piano owner.  If the owner comments on his/her wonderful German-built piano,
and you know it was made in China, say so.  If the piano has a Steinway
decal on the keycover and it is clearly a Brambach, say so.  This can be
done in a gentle and forthright manner without trashing or maligning the
dealer or the technician from which the piano was purchased.  You cannot be
sued -- at least not successfully -- for telling the truth, only for
embellishing it, stretching it and distorting it.

The problem comes in when the technician begins offering unnecessary
opinions, as opposed to facts, and then tries to get in the middle of
things.  Sometimes, for reasons of their own, the customer will chose to do
nothing and there is a temptation to push things along.  We all want to see
"justice" done when we see these things.  But, more often than not, it is
not our place to bring down the fires of hell on the offending party.


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