bandsaw recommendation

Ron Nossaman nossaman@SOUTHWIND.NET
Tue, 21 Dec 1999 18:24:07 -0600

Well, I did a little shopping, and I wasn't really all that excited by the
difference in quality for the price, over what I already have. So, looking
into retrofit possibilities, I did a little catalog and Web prospecting and
ordered a $40 block-to-bearing conversion from Grizzly on speculation. If I
can fairly easily adapt it to the Sears saw (I hope), I'll put in new main
bearings too and keep it tuned up as my general purpose saw. Depending on
what I see when the parts get here, I will then either order another set,
and/or build something suitable, to convert my old Berkel meat saw to a
dedicated resaw. I've had the Berkel for a long time and have just used it
occasionally for quartering firewood, and generally making smaller ones out
of bigger ones where accuracy wasn't an issue. This seems like a good way
to address a number of problems at once, vastly improve the quality and
usability of both saws, save some money, finally get around to installing
hinges on the front cover of the Sears saw (and maybe a different stand),
save time changing setups later, and making it less handy to use the Berkel
as a staging area and intermittent storage shelf for any number of items
going from point A to point B at varying rates (sometimes verrrryyyyy
ssssllllloooooowwwwwlllllyyyyy). I don't know if that last item will prove
to be a benefit or not, but I'll let you know how the rest works out.

Thanks, all, for the suggestions.

Ron N

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