bandsaw recommendation

Tue, 21 Dec 1999 23:54:57 EST

In a message dated 12/21/1999 11:35:54 PM, Ron N. wrote:

<<I'll still need the smaller saw with the tilting table for day to day work,
so it's bearings and guides for the Sears too.
Ron N>>

 I have found that a small tabletop bandsaw is almost indespensible in day to 
day shop work for everything from cutting hammers shanks, to making quick 
jigs and lots of 'stuff' in between. I don't know how I ever did without one. 
 A larger/stronger, correctly bladed, type would be useful for heavy duty 
resawing but I don't do that much of it anyway...obviously you do.  Stephens 
comment about "no set" blades is right on the mark, in my experience.
Jim Bryant (FL)

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