bench finish damaged

Tue, 21 Dec 1999 23:33:26 -0600

Thank you all for your responses.  Jon, I would appreciate more comments
about the use of denatured alcohol to remove water marks or stains.

Jim Coleman wrote
>Hi David: You might get better advice if you could determine the type of
finish on the piano bench. Is it Polyester, Lacquer, or Polyurathane? I'm
pretty sure it isn't varnish or shellac. Jim Coleman, Sr. <

Hi Jim, I am not certain what the finish is, but it looks like lacquer.  I
am pretty certain it isn't polyester or polyurathane.

Another technician locally suggested the following options:
1.  Polish the bench lid with a rubbing compound to remove the marks, and
then use a 3M pad or fine steel wool to make it a satin finish again
2.  Refinish the bench lid if the marks can't be removed
3.  Buy a new bench or bench lid from Baldwin

Question:  What rubbing compounds and materials would be suitable for a job
like this?

I appreciate your replies.  If there are more suggestions, suggest away!

David Vanderhoofven

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