Appraisal help

Wimblees@AOL.COM Wimblees@AOL.COM
Wed, 22 Dec 1999 02:08:28 EST

In a message dated 12/22/99 4:52:25 AM !!!First Boot!!!, writes:

<< The piano is a 5' 8" with lovely ivories, except for a few minor reparable
 cracks.  The serial number is 29511, which dates it before the Aeolian
 takeover.  ( I assume this is good.)  "726" was the only other number I saw.
 It was underneath the keybed along with the serial #.  There were
 individually tied strings interspersed with looped strings throughout the
 tenor section.  The core wire of the large wrapped strings was the thickest
 I've seen.  The bridge was wider than any other bridge I've seen on a grand.
 The pinblock has been doped, the case need refinishing, the action needs
 rebuilding, and the strings need replacing.  In short, looks like a complete
 restoration would be necessary, with possibility of a new soundboard. >>

I have a similar vintage Model A M&H for which I paid $2000. I have it for 
sale, "as is" for $3500. Totally restored I should be able to sell it for 
$15,000 - $20,000. 

Willem Blees

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