Tuesday evening's tuning

John R Fortiner pianoserv440@juno.com
Wed, 22 Dec 1999 09:54:03 -0700

As "luck" would have it, I had to tune a customer's piano at 7:00pm last
night.  Pre 1900 Beckwith ( made/sold by Sears ).  Typical of the last
piano of a day for a very tired tuner - 4 hammers missing, cracked high
treble bridge, and 96c low of A-440.  ( Yeah, I know that standard pitch
was 435 when that piano was built. )  The lady told me it belonged to her
grandparents whom, she remembers, talked about tuning it - several times,
but does not remember it ever being done.  Went over it once to bring it
to 50c low, then with her OK went the rest the way to A-440 with no
string breakage.  All that except for the last octave where the bridge is
split.  Oh, and yes, I will be working on it again next week - in the
evening again. :-(
John Fortiner
Billings, MT.

ps regarding honest customers - she paid cash on the spot.
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