Millinium Christmas

Ron Nossaman nossaman@SOUTHWIND.NET
Wed, 22 Dec 1999 23:50:03 -0600

According to authoritative sources, Santa Claus and his crew are planning a
special event for the last Christmas of the Millennium... sort of an Elf
promotion. They plan to drop a reindeer at the stroke of midnight on
Christmas Eve, like the Times Square ball drop on New Years Eve, only with
antlers and bells. In an attempt to get greater coverage, and a more
uniform participation around the world, they are planning individual
reindeer drops in every time zone around the globe as midnight strikes in
each zone. In accordance, they offer the advisory that anyone venturing
outside on Christmas day should walk slowly and carefully, to avoid
stepping in the reindeer droppings.

That is all,
Ron N

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