Tuesday evening's tuning

Thu, 23 Dec 1999 03:29:07 EST

In a message dated 12/22/99 6:38:11 PM Central Standard Time, 
Wimblees@AOL.COM writes:

<< As far as 
 raising pitch. That is a definite NO NO on my part. I tune them where 
 at. Less chance of anything breaking. 

I'm with you on this one, Wim. An old, long neglected upright is not the same 
situation as a regularly tuned piano. And the main difference is the owner. 
For the most part they have low expectations and they don't want to spend any 
more than they have to. They will most probably follow the same servicing 
guidelines as did the last owner that neglected it for the last twenty years. 
If you do a monster pitch raise it is very unlikely they will follow up with 
the necessary tunings to stabilize the instrument, not to mention the 
probability of breaking a string or two. So you will have a customer that 
paid a lot more than they would have liked to for service on a piano that 
will sound bad again in a month or two, and not one in a hundred of them will 
appreciate the difference between standard pitch and wherever it was.

Dave Bunch

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