pitch lowering

Kristinn Leifsson istuner@islandia.is
Thu, 23 Dec 1999 18:29:43 +0000

At 07:21 23.12.1999 -0500, you wrote:
>             I'd appreciate any experience anyone has in this  area.  
>Thanks   Phil Ryan 

Just leave the pianos where they are.  I have done stock tuning on a lot of
Samicks, and followed the instruments through after that.  It won´t even
hurt to leave them as high as 443 or 444 even.  They´re completely new and
you probably don´t have to worry about the strings.  After a year you´ll
see the benefit.  

Please don´t kill me if you object guys,

Kristinn Leifsson,
Reykjavík, Iceland        

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