Tuesday evening's tuning

Dorothy A. Bell dabell58@earthlink.net
Thu, 23 Dec 1999 17:53:24 -0500

Dear List,
I have been getting a lot of clients from advertising in PTA newsletters
(school-parent groups, if they're called something different in your
locale) and am seeing a lot of old uprights and neglected spinets. I've
been letting the customer know if the pitch is low before I start tuning
and talking with them about the use of the piano (with other
instruments, for child's lesson, or whatever) -- and a lot of my
customers don't want to pay the extra money for a pitch raise given the
circumstances under which they use the piano. I've been noting the low
pitch on the invoice, so that they're aware and reminded -- and maybe
later on they'll be interested in raising it up. (On the really old
uprights I don't even hope for that -- like the 1899 Weber untuned since
1977 --)
Best wishes for the holidays -- I'm going to visit my parents and not
take my tuning hammer along --
Dorrie Bell
Associate Member, Boston Chapter

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