Windex and polyesther

John R Fortiner
Fri, 24 Dec 1999 10:55:25 -0700

Hi Roy:  I doubt that the Windex damaged the poly unless misused as in
sprayed on and allowed to sit for long periods of time - and even that is
open to debate.
What kind of damage does the finish show?  Cloudiness, faint stratches -
which could give the poly an overall "dull" appearance?????
If "cloudy" try applying some Meguire's #9 to the finish - rubbing by
hand with a CLEAN all cotton cloth ( make sure that your cloth is 100%
cotton - flannel is best in my experience ).  That "should" remove the
cloudiness if it hasn't gone too deeply into the poly.  If Meguire's #9
simply makes tiny scratches appear more visable, then the problem is
likely the cloth that your customer has been using to "polish" his piano.
 If it contained any polyester at all - it could easily scratch the
surface - of course, so could the dust that he/she was trying to remove.
As long as the scratches are tiny ( not "feelable" ) it isn't really too
difficult to remove the scratches - assuming that there are scratches.
btw - just a couple of weeks ago I had the "pleasure" of removing
scratches from the top of a Kawai RX6 (7' grand).  Lots of area, but had
it done in a couple of hours.
If I can be of any assistance to you in this please just let me know and
I'll gladly share any info that I have obtained either through study or
through  experience.
John R. Fortiner
Billings, MT.

On Fri, 24 Dec 1999 07:01:52 -0600 "Roy Ulrich" <>
> Have a customer with a Yamaha grand who claims that Windex used as a 
> cleaning aid ruined the surface. The finish IS damaged, but after 
> looking through the archives I've not seen any evidence that Windex 
> is indeed the culprit. Any suggestions / ideas? Thanks.
> Roy Ulrich

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