Kimball butt springs

Newton Hunt
Mon, 27 Dec 1999 09:21:52 -0500

Spring function comes from the coil not from the leaf part of the
spring.  The coil on most of the broken springs was confined by the
felt it was drawn up against.  You can use a micrometer to determine
which spring or springs were used.  You can use replacement springs
but you may have to drill another hole to draw the spring tail through
to keep the coil in place.

I do not suggest using the replacement springs because they are much
too strong.

This is the type of operation you can sit in front of the TV and do
during an evening.  Care must be taken to make sure the coil can open
and close freely but be up near the notch cut for it in the rail.

Look the situation over carefully, plan you work then work you plan.

Lots of luck.


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