Help on repairs!!

Bill Kidd
Thu, 30 Dec 1999 01:04:25 -0800

JSmith3109@AOL.COM wrote:
> Dear list:
> The piano is a Cable-Nelson Ser.#316422 (1948-49) I have tuned the piano for
> about 10 years. Many times they call me about keys that do not work. Mainly
> in octaves 4 and 5 (F#-A-4: G-A#-5) The problem: The keys will work several
> times, then the jack fails to return under the hammer butt. If you work at a
> little it will go back under and then work for several more times (maybe
> 15-20, maybe 2 weeks).I have adjusted the regulating screw, the capstan,
> replaced the jack springs,adjusted the spoon,used Protek on the key,
> re-pinned the flanges, checked the key bushings,but still they refuse to work
> as they should. What am I missing? The piano is not abused as it it used by 3
> girls in the family that are serious about the piano and do a lot of
> practicing. I would like to try something else so that I can leave the house
> and feel confident that the keys will work for the kids.

I have run up on pianos of several different manufacturers, who used felt 
on the butts instead of buckskin or suitable substitute.  After years of 
use the top of the jack and the felt on the butt act like velcro.  The 
felt will "grab" the jack and prevent its return.

You state that the date of mfg was '48 or '49 and I wonder if this was 
the case that far back, but it is definitely a problem with some later 
actions...Wurlitzers and Kimballs for sure.
Bill Kidd

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