Bechstein action

ddubbel@EURONET.NL ddubbel@EURONET.NL
Thu, 30 Dec 1999 13:34:49 +0000

>Dear list,
>I've got an old Bechstein grand (1885) that I'm preparing an estimate on.
>The piano has had some very sloppy work done in the past and the action is
>bad shape.  I will put new shanks on it but the whippens(original) need
>either replacement or thorough reconditioning.   My question, to those who
>have dealt with these older german pianos, is if this type of whippen is
>available.  Perhaps those who have rebuilt bechsteins of this vintage can
>tell me what you did.
>Bill Jeffreys
>Denton Piano
>Denton, TX

I can tell you the following:

just look at it like a very old car... the engine is totally worthless and
finished and there are no more spare parts for sale, or, it is really
incredibly difficult to get what you want.
In that case :
make the outside beautiful and buy a new engine.
It will improve the product because Bechstein in later years changed their
actions to a normal standard and with a reason.


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